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  Katalog » Xanitalia » GLOSS FINISH NO WIPE Poly-acryl gely flex system 15ml
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GLOSS FINISH NO WIPE Poly-acryl gely flex system 15ml
Unser Preis: 7,50 EUR
5,00 EUR
GLOSS FINISH NO WIPE Poly-acryl gely flex system 15ml
Hersteller Info Titan Nail Design
Verwendbarkeit Sofort lieferbar
 an innovative method
- Poly-acryl gely flex system

You will fall in love the first time!

product necessary for the method - GLOSS FINISH NO WIPE Poly-acryl gely flex system 

Poly-acryl gely flex is an extraordinary product for modeling and prolonging nails,
more flexible than acrylic, but more powerful than gel.
Unlike traditional, thick gel, Poly-acryl gely flex
 it's not self-leveling, but it stays where you put it on,
ideally, you can use it with a slip solution - dipping a liquid brush.
Unlike acrylic, it does not harden during work,
it can be modeled for a long time and then cured in an LED lamp
(60-90 seconds.) Or UV (2 min.)
When curing Poly-acryl gely flex, there is no baking effect on the plate.
Poly-acryl gely flex is available in 5 colors.

- develop a nail plate, remove the skins, degrease with a cleaner, apply PRIME BOND XTRA STRONG
wait a minute
- apply BASE COAT MUST BE, cure in the LED lamp (30sec) or UV (90 sec.)
- go to the application of Poly-acryl gely flex system - using a template or on the form, or simply on the nail.
- remove the product from the jar with a metal spatula, put it on the nail, brush it in the slip solution start modeling
- after obtaining the perfect path, cure a lamp in the LED lamp (60-90 sec).
- Wipe with the cleaner
- on the end to bring perfect shine, put GLOSS FINISH NO WIPE Poly-acryl gely flex system 15ml, cure 90 sec. LED lamp, no wipe.

Dieses Produkt haben wir am Dienstag, 27. Februar 2018 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.
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